INTERVIEW: Fuzzy Fallout
Manchester, Summer 1986. We’ve Got a Fuzzbox and We’re Gonna Use It take on the pop establishment

INTERVIEW: Sanjeev Bhaskar as Doctor One
British writer and actor Sanjeev Bhaskar speaks about his medical role in The Zero Theorem

REPORT: Frank Sidebottom’s Magical Timperley Tour
Memories of Timperley’s most famous inhabitant leading a bus tour of his home village

IN DEPTH: Tilting at Windmills
Part One tells how Terry Gilliam became obsessed with his impossible quest to make a film about Cervantes’s novel Don Quixote

INTERVIEW: Richard Lester’s Instinct and Hysteria
American-born Richard Lester came to the UK in 1955 as an experienced director of live TV…

INTERVIEW: On location with Andrew Garfield
Between takes during the filming of The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus, Andrew Garfield happily answers questions about the production

FEATURE: Back Down the Rabbit Hole
Fortune is smiling on Terry Gilliam, reports Phil Stubbs from the set of the director’s macabre new film.

INTERVIEW: In Conversation with the Brothers Quay
This is an excerpt from a longer interview with the Brothers Quay, which took place in their London studio.

INTERVIEW: Stellan Skarsgård as The Boss
The Swedish actor talks to Phil Stubbs in the afternoon prior to a night shoot at Tomar, Portugal